MR Virtual Pets vs Physical Pets

November 24, 2021

MR Virtual Pets vs Physical Pets

Are you considering getting a pet but can't decide between an MR virtual pet or a physical one? Well, you've come to the right place! In this blog post, we'll provide a factual unbiased comparison between the two options to help you make the right choice.


Pets can be very expensive, especially when you consider the cost of food, vet visits, and grooming services. On the other hand, MR virtual pets are relatively cheaper as they only require a one-time purchase of the MR device (e.g., HoloLens2), and the cost of the virtual pet software. According to GeekWire, the HoloLens2 device costs around $3,500, while virtual pet software such as 'WalkinVR' costs around $80 per month. Whereas the cost of owning a physical pet can range from $500 to $10,000 a year.


When it comes to maintenance, physical pets require daily attention to ensure their wellbeing. Feeding them, taking them for a walk, grooming, and cleaning up after them can be time-consuming. Virtual pets, on the other hand, require minimal maintenance; they do not need to be fed, taken for a walk, or groomed. However, they do require power and a stable internet connection to function.

Emotional Bonding

Physical pets provide emotional support and companionship. Studies have shown that pets can help alleviate stress and anxiety, and reduce feelings of loneliness. MR virtual pets can also provide emotional support, but it is limited to visual and audio feedback. Virtual pets can also serve as a digital companion when it is not possible to have a physical pet, such as in situations where pets are not allowed or when someone is allergic to them.


Physical pets provide a tactile and multisensory experience, which is why many people prefer them. You can pet them, play with them, and take them for a walk. Virtual pets, on the other hand, only provide a limited multisensory experience. Although they can be seen and heard, you cannot physically touch them, which can affect the overall experience.


In conclusion, whether to get a physical pet or an MR virtual pet is a personal choice that depends on a number of factors such as cost, maintenance, emotional bonding, and interaction. It is important to carefully consider these factors before making a decision.


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